While 4 is ultimately my fave of the entire series, 3 is a close second. Like you, I love the survival aspects all around and hunting. Your write up gave me good mmrs of this game!

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Thank you!

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I remember the big hype around this, mainly because it had to rise to the iconoclastic MGS 2. I'm not sure it managed to do that, but MGS2 was lightning in a bottle.

I think I still have the soundtrack on vinyl - Konami gave it away during its marketing blitz.

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I’m about to conduct gaming blasphemy with this comment and speak ill of Metal Gear. Forgive me gaming gods!

This is a series I need to revisit! I really like stealth, and if this got the same rewind treatment that other ports did for the PSN, it will be a lot easier to play.

I never played it growing up and by the time I got to it as an adult… well, I found it absolutely bonkers?

I remember watching an hour long cutscene in MGS4. An hour! It was like a soap opera with jargon!

And then learning some sniper in Phantom Pain needs to wear a bikini all the time because they breathe through their skin?

But I feel like a stick in the mud here! Plenty of fans for Kojima’s work and this series! I’m sure if I gave it more of a crack I’d come around.

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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion! I've probably tried to play Snake Eater 4 or 5 times prior and I just couldn't get through it. It was just a right time right place kind of thing I guess.

But yeah the series as a whole is crazy. I think it really did help me to play them in order

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Great advice!

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Your timeline misses Portable Ops on the PSP. After Snake Eater.

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Depending on who you talk to, Portable Ops may or may not be considered canon within the main timeline. I don't think Kojima was even involved in its development, at least not heavily. I will be playing it along with Metal Gear Acid and all those other games eventually, just not right now. Thanks for pointing that out though!

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You nailed it, those controls are rough! Great game overall, especially the story and the characters (the ending actually made me tear up), but... yeah, I'd love for the remake to overhaul the controls.

Thanks for the post!

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I really liked Metal Gear Solid thanks for writing my first game on PS2 were MGS 2 & 3. I really enjoyed MGS3 a lot as it had a lot of cool boss battles and field care as you wrote and a whole lot of silliness. Looking forward to the remakes.

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It's a great PS2 title. It sounds like the remake is going to be the same game but prettier. I don't know that that is a bad thing, I just want modern controls.

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